Rewards Programs

YOU can support Providence Christian Church Ministries each time you shop at Kroger or Amazon!


When doing your online shopping this year, remember that Providence is now a registered charity with AmazonSmile! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to Providence for outreach.

Use Providenceā€™s unique link to sign up and donate to Providence each time you place any eligible order:

Make sure you are using AmazonSmile! everytime you shop through Amazon.. Contact the office if you have any problems.


At Kroger use your registered Kroger PLUS card. Register your Kroger PLUS card by selecting Providence Christian Church as your charity of choice. Step by step directions to register your Kroger PLUS Card online are provided below. Stop by the church office if you would like us to do it for you.

Before you begin have your Kroger PLUS Card next to you.

If you do not have a Kroger PLUS Card please go to your nearest Kroger Customer Service Desk.

Click Here to Get Started

A new window will open. You can go back and forth between the Kroger and Providence website windows to follow the directions.

Kroger Community Rewards

Click on the Sign In Register button at that top right corner of the page.

  1. Enter your email address
  2. Create a password
  3. Enter the zip code of your favorite Kroger store and click Find
  4. Click on your favorite Kroger store
  5. Click Email Me if you want to receive online coupons
  6. Click Create Account on the bottom left of the page

Enter the PLUS Card number on the back of your card or the phone number associated with the account.

Enter the Last Name associated with the account

Click Save

Enter Personal Information (Name, address, phone number)

Click Enroll

Enter 10613 and Click Search

Click Providence Christian Church and Click Enroll

You will receive an email informing you that you are enrolled.

Thank you for your support!