October 2014 Newsletter
Providence Prophet October 2014
Providence Prophet October 2014
October 5 Elders: Ed Sidebotham, David Hibbard Deacons: Bryan Roberts, Michelle Roberts, Cathie Slack, Eddie Dean Southworth Liturgist: John-Mark Hack Homebound: Carol and Don Thornton Greeter: The Hibbard Family Acolyte: Katherine Hagy October 12 Elders: Charles Slack, Carrie McDanald Deacons: Jackie Bellman, John Downs, Sharon Heathman, Judi Toleman Liturgist: John Krupski Homebound: Ann Rea and … [Read more…]
September 7, 2014 Elders: Gary Anderson, Carrie McDanald Deacons: John Downs, Sharon Heathman, Jenifer Payne, Judi Toleman Liturgist: Bob Bellman Home Visit: Beth and Joe Hufford Greeter: Youth Group Acolyte: Emma Whitt September 14, 2014 Elders: George Dean, Bob Bellman Deacons: Jackie Bellman, Jan Downs, Sarah Downs, Frank Coots Liturgist: Christine Coy Home Visit: … [Read more…]
Providence Prophet September 2014
Exodus 3.1-15 Many people have a burning bush experience at some point in their lifetime – a time that God is so powerfully present in a moment that there is no denying God’s existence; a moment when God gets your attention and speaks to you; a moment so commanding that every cell in your body … [Read more…]
Providence Prophet August 2014
Providence Prophet July 2014
Providence Prophet June 2014
Providence Prophet May 2014
Acts 7. 55-60 In our text last week, we saw the amazing love of Christ exhibited in Stephen as he prayed for forgiveness for the people who were killing him. We saw the seeds of love planted in a young man named Saul, a young man who was dedicating his life to rounding up Christians … [Read more…]