It takes a community

Acts 2: 42-47 Last Sunday, we read the story in Luke about two disciples walking home from Jerusalem on the road to Emmaus. The one they thought was a great prophet of God had just been crucified. The one they had followed and loved was dead. And then Sunday morning, tomb was found empty and … [Read more…]


1 Peter 1. 3-12 What a beautiful passage centered in the relationship we have with God through Christ, OUR Lord, has given US a new birth, an inheritance imperishable, undefiled and unfading for YOU. It is about relationship with God. The word “faith” is found 3 times in these 7 verses and “salvation” twice. These … [Read more…]

Your Life is hidden with Christ in God

Easter Sunday 2014 Colossians 3. 1-4 My mother assists in teaching English as a second Language. She helps some Spanish speaking student by having conversations with them and recently the conversation was about Easter. Some of the Spanish speaking students said, “we don’t celebrate Easter in Mexico, (Mom looked confused – knowing that Mexico is … [Read more…]

Palm Sunday 2014

Colossians 3.1-4 My mother assists in teaching English as a second Language. She helps some Spanish speaking student by having conversations with them and recently the conversation was about Easter. Some of the Spanish speaking students said, “we don’t celebrate Easter in Mexico, (Mom looked confused – knowing that Mexico is majority Catholic with a … [Read more…]

My Eye Sees You

Job 42. 1-6, 10-17 This is our final week in the book of Job. I hope that you enjoyed this journey as much as I did. There is much to learn and contemplate in this book. Let’s do a brief and quick review. Job was a righteous and devout man, there was no one like … [Read more…]

I know my Redeemer Lives

Job 19.23-27 Here we are in our third section of Job. The reading assignment for today took us through Chapter 27.  I am sure most of you are caught up, but for anyone who has missed one a week, let’s do a quick review. — The first two chapters of  Job demonstrates that this writing … [Read more…]

Remember Me

Job 14:1-16 This is the second sermon on the book of Job.  Last Sunday we covered the first eight chapters and today we will go through the 18th chapter.  I invite all of you to join us in our study.  So let’s do a quick review.  Before we put on our spiritual glasses to find … [Read more…]