Christmas Eve 2014

Isaiah 9.2-7 This week I heard a story on the BBC News that put theses traditional Christmas Eve texts in perspective for me.  It is a story that has not been prominent in the news in the U.S. for some reason. We have become all too familiar with the terrorists that call themselves ISIS or … [Read more…]

Preparing for Christ

Luke 1. 46-55 It is Advent, the Christ child is coming and we are preparing. We prepare by decorating our homes, by buying gifts for loved ones, by making donations to charity, by listening to Christmas music, baking and eating. We prepare our hearts and minds by reading Scripture and doing a daily devotion, by … [Read more…]

We need John the Baptist

Mark 1. 1-8 Today is the second Sunday in Advent, Peace Sunday, it is the second week of the Christian year which began last Sunday. Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ and has been celebrated in the church since the 4th century. It is a time of preparation and anticipation. … [Read more…]

It takes a community

Acts 2: 42-47 Last Sunday, we read the story in Luke about two disciples walking home from Jerusalem on the road to Emmaus. The one they thought was a great prophet of God had just been crucified. The one they had followed and loved was dead. And then Sunday morning, tomb was found empty and … [Read more…]


1 Peter 1. 3-12 What a beautiful passage centered in the relationship we have with God through Christ, OUR Lord, has given US a new birth, an inheritance imperishable, undefiled and unfading for YOU. It is about relationship with God. The word “faith” is found 3 times in these 7 verses and “salvation” twice. These … [Read more…]

Your Life is hidden with Christ in God

Easter Sunday 2014 Colossians 3. 1-4 My mother assists in teaching English as a second Language. She helps some Spanish speaking student by having conversations with them and recently the conversation was about Easter. Some of the Spanish speaking students said, “we don’t celebrate Easter in Mexico, (Mom looked confused – knowing that Mexico is … [Read more…]

Palm Sunday 2014

Colossians 3.1-4 My mother assists in teaching English as a second Language. She helps some Spanish speaking student by having conversations with them and recently the conversation was about Easter. Some of the Spanish speaking students said, “we don’t celebrate Easter in Mexico, (Mom looked confused – knowing that Mexico is majority Catholic with a … [Read more…]