June Serving Schedule

June 5, 2016

Elders:  Glen Payne, Linda Schweitzer

Deacons:  Jackie Bellman, Kathryn Drydyk, Bryan Roberts, Tina Sidebotham

Liturgist:  Tammy Durham

Homebound:  Caron Tandy, Theresa Draper

Greeters:  Brenda and Frank Coots

Acolyte:  Emma Whitt

June 12, 2016

Elders:  Ed Sidebotham, Charles Slack

Deacons:  Edd Cox, Tammy Durham, Sharon Heathman, Frank Coots

Liturgist:  John-Mark Hack

Homebound:  Judy Krupski, Beth Hufford

Greeter:  Katherine Hagy

Acolyte:  Aiden Downs

June 19, 2016

Elders:  Carl Waits, Bob Bellman

Deacons:  Judy Krupski, Jenifer Payne, Michelle Roberts, Michael Doane

Liturgist:  Lena Rae Fern

Homebound:  Ann Rea and Gary Anderson

Greeter:  Beth Hufford

Acolyte:  Katherine Hagy

June 26, 2016

Elders:  Gary Anderson, George Dean

Deacons:  Cathie Slack, Judi Toleman, John Downs, Jonathan Hagy

Liturgist:  John Krupski

Homebound:  Jenifer and Glen Payne

Greeter:  Cathie Slack

Acolyte:  Erin Roberts

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