Outreach & Ministries

Food Pantry

Providence Food Pantry provides food boxes for low income Hospice families. Working with Hospice families is the place where God’s Spirit called us to be active. People are needed to put boxes together, keep records and make deliveries. Is there a place for you here?

Crop Hunger Walk







Community Garden

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The Garden Team organizes the planting, weeding, harvesting and distribution of vegetables each year. Children, youth and adults work together in the soil in order to serve God and God’s people and to ground their faith in creation. Everyone is needed!



Habitat House

Every year Providence joins with other Disciples congregations in the Lexington area to build a Habitat House for a deserving family. Disciples for Habitat has built more than 40 houses since it began in the 1990’s in Lexington. We help build, provide food for workers, support the project financially and pray. Building a house takes a lot of people, no skill required. Could your faith be put to work here?



Worship with Elderly

The fourth Sunday of each month, we lead a worship service at Bridgepointe, a home for the elderly at 2 PM. The service is made up of Scripture, Prayer, Communion and lots of hymn singing. We always leave feeling better than when we arrived. Won’t you join us?


On-going Outreach Support

Providence actively supports many outreach programs. We donate blankets and school, health, and baby supplies to Church World Service. We collect coats and shoes for those in need. We support the work of  Week of Compassion. We have adopted a family at Christmas time and had a Christmas Party for children who have an incarcerated parent.  We have a home-bound communion team who visits shut-ins. We help build a Habitat house. We grow vegetables in a community garden every summer to support our food boxes for Hospice patients as well as for other food pantries. We have members who work at Refuge for Women, work with Mission Behind Bars and Beyond, serve food at homeless shelters and much more. There is a way for you to serve God here at Providence Christian Church.


Children’s Ministry

IMAG0511 (5)Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Mathew 19:14)

Providence welcomes children! Children may worship with their families, activity bags are provided at the back of the sanctuary. Rocking chairs are provided for families with infants and small children. A nursery is available for children under 3 years of age. Children over 3 are invited to come forward for a Children’s sermon and then to participate in Children Worship and Wonder during worship.


Every summer Providence hosts a Vacation Bible School around a fun theme so that children can learn and grow in faith while forming friendships and just having a good time.



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It is the intention of our congregation to nurture Christ-like behavior by everyone. Providence is committed to creating and maintaining programs, facilities and an environment in which children can worship, learn and work together in a loving atmosphere free from any harm. The Board adopted a Safe Child Policy in 2015 in order to do everything possible to care for our children and keep them safe. Click here to read: Providence Safe Church Policy



Will presides over communion

Youth group presides over communion

The Providence Christian Church youth group is for Middle and High-School youth. Our meetings are varied and include fellowship, food and faith. We also have bonfires and hayrides, Bible study and prayer, participation in outreach ministries like the Jessamine Co. Food Pantry, and an annual mission trip. Our youth have been on mission trips to Nashville, Columbus, Eastern KY, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, and Guatemala. All Middle and High School age youth are welcome to attend!

Youth Group Mission Trip 2013A (2)

High School Mission trips to Panajachel,  Guatemala where we build and serve with Porch de Salomon!


Disciples Women

The women of Providence play a vital role in the life of the church.

Service Group

The Women’s Service Group meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. These servants of God lead collections for hygiene and school kits. They make blankets for the NICU. They take up collections for various important local and global ministries. They have a card, food and visitation ministry for those who are struggling. After their monthly meeting, they enjoy a potluck lunch together. This group is open to anyone interested in serving God in these ways (no expertise required).


J.O.Y. Group


The J.O.Y. Group (Jesus, Others, and You) meets monthly throughout the year for fellowship, education, and service projects. The JOY group heads up the largest annual event at Providence. The Holiday Marketplace takes place each November as an alternative to the mall and features 40 booths of local artists of all types. Music plays while you shop and there is always a delicious lunch prepared by the JOY group and sweet treats available for purchase. This is the largest fundraiser for the year and supports ministries inside and outside the church.

Providence Book Group

While not limited to women, the Providence Book Group is primarily made up of women. Each month we read the same book that has some connection to spirituality and faith. We meet together at a nearby restaurant one evening each month to discuss the book together. Information about the book group is always listed in the newsletter and you can always contact the church office to learn more. Email providence@providenceccdoc.org for more information or check out our latest Newsletter.

Disciples Men

The men of Providence invite guests to breakfast get-togethers periodically on Saturdays. We cook up eggs, biscuits, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and more! We eat well, pray together, and then get to work either doing or discussing projects and outreach work.

restriping the parking lot 3 (2) Planting 2012-2a (2)


Providence Christian Church offers opportunities for all who are “musically inclined.”


The Adult Choir practices on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 p.m. and sings during Sunday morning worship each week. All are welcome to attend choir practice and stretch those vocal chords.

Come and use your musical talents in new and familiar ways.

Chimes Choir

The Providence Chimes Choir practices Seasonally on Wednesday evenings and performs during the Sunday Morning Worship for special occasions. If you are interested in becoming a ringer, give us a call and we’ll put you in touch with the right folks.

Children Singing

Music Ministry

Women's Ministry